In light of recent events around COVID-19 all initial consultations remain virtual and in-person sessions are up to the discretion of the trainer. Your dogs are growing and learning everyday so training can and should still go on. Luckily, we have the technology to keep going through these challenging times. We have virtual, telephone, and email options available.

Please contact us if you have questions or are ready to make an appointment.

Understanding is key.

It all begins with understanding your dog's behavior.

In order to create strong, happy, and harmonious relationships with our dogs we need to be able to communicate with them in a way that builds trust, safety, and confidence.

I use force free, positive reinforcement training methods to help people learn how to understand their dogs better.

I focus on basic manners, puppy socialization, fear, anxiety behaviors and multi-animal interactions.

pawsome pupstars

118 8th Avenue

Brooklyn, NY

Family Dog Mediator
American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen Evaluator
Certified Professional Dog Trainer Knowledge Assessed
Fear Free Certified Professional